

The MSc programme in Engineering Light provides two specializations. The students can focus on competences within design, processing and characterization of photonic materials and components, or they can focus on competences in instrumentation of optical and photonic components and devices with applications in mind.

This specialization is aimed at students with interests in constructing and characterizing photonic materials and components. The program provides access to the world-class cleanroom facilities at DTU Nanolab., where students will get the opportunity to process components. The courses suggested in this specialization cover the understanding of the physics, materials and process technologies, and experience in relevant lab. skills to construct and characterize micro and nano-photonic materials and components. Examples include materials and components for all parts of optical communication systems, for illumination, lighting, lasers and other quantum photonic systems, and for optical sensors and bio-photonic applications.

This specialization is aimed at students with interests in the instrumentation and applications of optics and photonics. The courses suggested in this focus area cover the understanding of optics and photonics, how to design, construct and characterize optical systems for various applications, and how to acquire data and carry out signal processing. The competences prepare you to work with optical communication systems, illumination and lighting systems, to work with various types of laser systems, optical sensors and measurement systems for a variety of applications. These applications could be spectroscopy, biophotonics, medical diagnostics and optical metrology within many different engineering disciplines.

Students are not restricted to only follow courses within one of the two specializations but can choose to combine courses from the complete list of specialization courses. More information about the content of the four specializations can be found on the  DTU website.

Specializations are merely recommended ways of choosing the courses in the curriculum. Applicants are not admitted to a specialization but to the programme and it is possible to choose among all the courses in the curriculum following the directions given. However, if a specialization has been fulfilled the title of the specialization may be added to the diploma.