Rules of DTU
- Academic prerequisites for course participation
- Binding courses
- Complaints regarding teaching and supervision
- Course registration
- Deadlines for publication of teaching material and syllabus
- Evaluation of teaching
- Mandatory participation and assignments
- Participation in limited admission courses
- Project courses
- Regarding course descriptions
- Study Programme Rules
- Assessment forms and grading
- Cheating at exams and other forms of assessment
- Deadlines for grading
- Exam certificate/diploma
- Exam complaints
- Exam forms
- Exam rules
- External examiners and confidentiality
- Illness in connection with exams
- Re-exams
- Registration and withdrawal
- Requirements for passing exams and part-exams
- Special exam arrangements
- Use of aids and materials at written exams
Leave, change of study etc.
- Change of study programme and field of study
- Disciplinary measures
- Exemption
- Guest Students
- IT security rules for students
- Leave-of-absence
- Part-time Programmes and vacant place scheme
- Readmission
- SU (State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme)
- Transferring to MSc programme
- Withdrawal from study programmes