Regarding course descriptions

Regarding course descriptions

Course descriptions contain the following information:

  • Language
  • ECTS credits (workload)
  • Course type (BEng, BSc, MSc, Ph.D., part-time diploma, or part-time MSc)
  • Scheduling, location, and duration of the course
  • General course and learning objectives
  • Teaching and learning methods
  • Attendance requirements, if any, e.g. laboratory exercises, presentations, or opposing to other students' work
  • Mandatory or recommended academic prerequisites for attendance, if any
  • Evaluation (the use of internal or external examiner and the use of the 7-point grading scale or pass/fail)
  • Type of assessment
  • Exam requirements, if any, for example, submission of mandatory written assignments as a prerequisite for exam participation
  • The weighting of part-exams assessed by using part grades, or information that part-exams are assessed as a whole
  • Courses with which the course is not applicable, if any*
  • Scheduling of exam
  • If the course is not suitable to be offered for re-exam (see DTU Inside under 'Study rules'/'Exam'/'Re-exams'.)
  • Limits to admission, if any

*Two courses can have such a large academic overlap that they will block each other regarding ECTS credits. This means that a student cannot be allowed to register for courses that in the course database are registered as not applicable to courses that the student has already passed or is bound by, and these courses block each other. Not applicable courses do not mean, per definition, that the courses are identical. The Study Administration can inform whether non-applicable courses are identical.

If the student cannot find the above information in the course description, the course coordinator and/or the relevant chairman of the department board of studies can be contacted. An overview of the chairmen of the board of studies at the individual departments can be found at DTU Inside under 'Academic offers and guidance'/'Board of Study, chairmen'.

Changes to course descriptions
Significant changes to the course descriptions must be available no later than:

  • 25 June for the 13-week period in autumn
  • 1 November for the 3-week period in January
  • 25 November for the 13-week period in spring
  • 15 April for the 3-week periods in June, July, and August.

In exceptional cases, significant changes can be made after the abovementioned deadlines during the teaching period. This has to be approved by the course coordinator, the department board of studies, and the students.

The following procedure applies in case of significant changes to the course description after the above deadlines:

  1. Proposed changes must be formulated in writing and sent to the department board of studies for approval.
  2. If approved, the proposal is sent as a bulletin via DTU Learn to all registered students. The bulletin must clearly state that the change is a proposal that will be implemented unless one or more students raise objections. Students are given at least 14 days to object to the change.
  3. If no objections are received, the course coordinator posts a new bulletin announcing that no objections have been raised against the change, and the change will hereby be adopted.

The course coordinator/the board of studies updates approved changes in the course descriptions on DTU’s website,