Students in Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture share a common interdisciplinary basis in aquatic biology, mathematics and modeling, statistics,innovation, and sustainability. The students can choose to follow a study line in the field of aquaculture or fisheries, biodiversity, and resource management, where the students must complete 30 ECTS points of courses pre-defined for their specialization. In order to obtain a specialization, the students must write their final thesis on a relevant topic.
Specialization in Fisheries, Biodiversity, and Resource Management
The specialization deals with the sustainable exploitation of aquatic living resources and gives the student a deeper understanding of the current government policy within aquatic ecosystem-based management and conservation of biodiversity. There will be a focus on sustainable fishing and conservation of the aquatic ecosystems. The student will be prepared for an interdisciplinary and international work context and will be equipped to make contributions to the scientific advisory process, scientific research, and the development of models and technical solutions. Along the way, the student will become familiar with a wide range of current topics, methods and examples of application. Topics include e.g. productivity and genetics of fish populations and how these are affected by fishing pressure and environmental and climate changes. Furthermore, the latest knowledge and research within the development of sustainable fishing gear and other means of actions, that can help to ensure a sustainable use of the resources, are uncovered.
Specialization in Aquaculture
The specialization covers production systems and methods from low trophic aquaculture (seaweed and shellfish) to production of fish for consumption, with an overarching focus on sustainability, resource use, and environmental footprint. The study line covers the overall design of production systems for different organisms, technical solutions to water treatment, the nutritional requirements of organisms in production, feed manufacture, selection of raw materials and circular economy, animal welfare in aquaculture, diseases, genetics, physiology of farmed organisms, nutrients and cleaning measures, and environmental impact. The study line has a focus on land-based production systems, and an aim that students are able to conceive production systems with appropriately dimensioned components, that satisfy the requirements of the produced species.
Students in the aquaculture specialization also have the option of enrolling in a joint master programme on Sustainable Aquaculture offered in collaboration with the the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). This entails one year of studies at DTU with a focus on land-based aquaculture, and one year of courses at NTNU focusing on marine aquaculture. For more information and requirements of the Sustainable Aquaculture programme, click here.